The Third Thing, premiered at Galerie Barbara Thumm in January 2022, pouring sensuality and sound into that month’s dreary middle. Schweder described the experience of this inflatable installation as an effervescent cocktail of mirror, fur and milk. He taunted that a taste for his work is not acquired through polite society. Swelling and sagging, animated by the fill and empty of air, Schweder’s installation pursued his discovery that the inflatable architecture he has made for over a decade could be newly approached as sound producing instruments. Schweder commissioned an eclectic group of sound artists to form an unlikely ensemble.
Berlin’s Frank Bretschneider, internationally revered by the electronic music community, scored the rhythm of a throbbing cluster of milk that was heard in one dimension and seen in another. A rising voice from Pittsburgh, Geneva Skeen, directed a dainty soprano unexpectedly emanating from a chorus of disheveled furs.
The Third Thing was made possible with a prestigious grant from The Brian Wall Foundation awarded to Schweder through The Pollock-Krasner Foundation in recognition of the exceptional quality of his artistic activities.