The Rise and Fall

Wood, Steel, Fabric, Phonographs, People 49’-0” x 8’-0” x 8’-0”, 2012.

Made for the 4th Marrakech Bienniall, The Rise and fall responds to its historically complicated site (the Theatre Royale opera house) and Morrocco’s politically significant moment by offering visitors a building whose ground shifts in response to their weight. Balanced on a wall and tipping between the never completed stage (an 8m drop) and the empty orchestra pit (a 3.5m drop), The Rise and fall turns audience members into performers as soon as they step into this building. Their movement in relation to one another produces the incline of the floor that then determines which of the two record players at either end will play a phonographic recording composed by Tamara Friebel.

4th Marrakech Biennial, Morocco
4th Marrakech Biennial, Morocco
4th Marrakech Biennial, Morocco
4th Marrakech Biennial, Morocco
4th Marrakech Biennial, Morocco
4th Marrakech Biennial, Morocco