Folded Murmur

Four channel video projection forty minutes long, 2006, 2006.

EUR, the southern suburb of Rome planned and only partly executed by Mussolini for a Universal Exhibition celebrating fascist Italy is the setting for tens of thousands of starlings descend on the area at dusk in the winter months. This four-channel unedited projection takes one evening of this flocking phenomenon and “folds” a single moving image into a square room.  The flow of the starlings moves from foreground to background as the image moves from wall to wall.  This work was made in collaboration with photography by Richard Barnes (bottom image) and sound work by Charles Mason.

Aqua Miami Fair, 2006
Howard House, Seattle, 2006
Private Residence, 2007
Private Residence, 2007
Cranbrook, 2009
Murmur #1, Richard Barnes, 2005.